CT Scan Brain In Delhi Starting @ ₹931 Only | Avail 40% Exclusive Discount

Upto 40% Off on CT Scan Brain in Delhi!

CT Scan Brain is also known as CT Scan Head. A CT Scan of the Brain combines a series of X-rays to produce cross-sectional pictures of the brain. It is a more detailed version of an X-ray and helps to check for any head injury, seizures, headaches, and brain tumors.

Know the lowest CT SCAN BRAIN cost offered by all the labs across Delhi with prices starting at ₹931 only and avail of up to 40% exclusive discount by calling us on the below number.


This is a limited period offer and can be availed in all the labs across Delhi in our network only with pre-booked appointments. Call us to know the lab details near you and book an appointment with a discount.

CT Scan Brain in Delhi Through LabsAdvisor

  • 4000+ CT Brain scans completed
  • ₹60 lakh+ saved for our customers
  • ₹931 – Lowest price in the market
  • High-quality test assured – 1000s of positive reviews 
What is a CT Scan Brain? 

CT Scan Brain is also known as CT Scan Head. A CT Scan of the Brain combines a series of X-rays to produce cross-sectional pictures of the brain. It is a more detailed version of an X-ray and helps to check for any head injury, seizures, headaches, and brain tumors.

CT Scan Brain helps to get a detailed 3-dimensional image of the brain and examine medical brain conditions. It also helps the doctor evaluate the face, sinuses, and skull and plan for necessary treatment for brain cancer and other head-related problems.

Why is a CT Scan Brain performed?

The doctor may recommend a CT Scan Brain if you are facing the following symptoms –

  • Dizziness
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Body paralysis
  • Numbness (in fingertips, and toes)
  • Vertigo
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Brain tumor/ Cancer
  • Internal bleeding
  • Injury in the head

What is the procedure of a CT Scan Brain?

A CT Scan Brain procedure uses X-ray beams that are released and circle around the brain/head area of the patient. This provides different images of the brain, taken from different angles. The computer then processes these images one on top of the other to create a cross-sectional, detailed image of the brain for further analysis.

On arrival at the hospital, the CT Scan Brain procedure usually takes place in the following manner:

  1. ​​The patient is asked to change into a gown
  2. The patient is then asked to remove all metal items 
  3. A form is then filled out by the patient in order to take safety precautions and the patient is free to discuss any issues/concerns with the doctor
  4. On entering the CT scan room, the doctor helps the patient onto the scanner table to lie down, comfortably
  5. The scanner will then begin to rotate around the patient’s head area and the CT scan will start 

How to prepare for a Head CT Scan?

The following things can be kept in mind before a CT Brain scan –

  • The doctor may recommend eating a light meal or avoiding eating entirely, before the test.
  • All items containing metal must be removed before the CT scan. Some of these items include – 
  1. Jewelry 
  2. Mobile Phone
  3. Keys
  4. Hearing aids
  5. Glasses
  6. Belts and buckles
  7. Glasses
  8. Any item of clothing containing metallic threads
  • If you have any existing medical conditions or allergies, discuss the same with the doctor beforehand
  • Any history of heart disease, asthma, diabetes, and thyroid should be shared with the doctor in advance




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CT Brain
INR 931
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