How to Keep a Check on Health Issues caused by Air Pollution? | LabsAdvisor

Keep a check on your health issues caused due to air pollution.

The level of pollutants in the air has gone up tremendously high due to the burning of waste, emissions from industries, factories, and vehicles. Even people who are healthy are prone to respiratory problems due to air pollution.

How to keep a check on your health?

Air pollution in metropolitan cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, etc is rapidly increasing due to various factors. It is important to keep a check on your health if you are living in any of these cities as air pollution may lead to serious health issues.

To check the impact of air pollution on your health, you can take a simple air pollution health check to detect any serious health issues. You can find the price and links to book your health checkup for air pollution in the table below. Call us to know more about the health checkup and the parameters included in it.

Note: The air pollution health checkup by LabsAdvisor will be exclusively done in the SRL Labs (largest pathology labs chain in India) for quality and authenticate test results.

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Exclusive Price by LabsAdvisor
Health Check – Complete Pollution Package Cost in Delhi ₹ 2950
Health Check – Complete Pollution Package Cost in Noida ₹ 2950
Health Check – Complete Pollution Package Cost in Gurgaon ₹ 2950
Health Check – Complete Pollution Package Cost in Mumbai ₹ 2950
Health Check – Complete Pollution Package Cost in Pune ₹ 2950
Health Check – Complete Pollution Package Cost in Bangalore ₹ 2950
Health Check – Complete Pollution Package Cost in Hyderabad ₹ 2950
Health Check – Complete Pollution Package Cost in Chennai ₹ 2950

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The following are the tests included in the air pollution health checkup by LabsAdvisor.

  • Chest X-ray
  • Pulmonary Function Test
  • CBC with ESR
  • Vitamin D
  • Lipid Profile
  • Vitamin C

These tests help to find out any unusual symptoms in the body and if any occurrence is shown, you can get treatment at an early stage. With the ever-increasing levels of pollution throughout the nation, it has become vital to opt for regular blood and body tests done to diagnose the presence of any disease.

Chest X-Ray Test:

Through the chest X-ray test, the picture of the chest is clearly seen for the presence of any abnormalities or presence of disease in the heart, lungs, blood vessels, or bones.

Through the chest X-ray, patients can come to know if they are suffering from a collapsed lung, emphysema (a condition which makes it difficult for the person to breathe, usually a long-term disorder), lung cancer, or even heart failure.

Pulmonary Function Test:

These are a wide range of tests conducted to basically measure how the lungs of a human body are inhaling and exhaling the air. The test also checks how efficiently oxygen is transferred to the blood.

Through the pulmonary function test, it becomes easy to diagnose asthma, lung fibrosis, emphysema (as explained above), asbestosis, chronic bronchitis, or lung cancer.

What is the use of the above tests to assess the impact of pollution on us?

The daily schedule at times makes it difficult for people to opt for regular medical tests. Also the simple attitude of people, ‘what is wrong with us’ can cause the maximum amount of trouble.

In situations like these, some of the common tests which can help you detect whether your body is functioning properly or not or if the increasing levels of pollution have caused any problem can be diagnosed.

The length of exposure to polluted air is the biggest factor that can cause any kind of health-related problem/ disorder in a human being.

The adverse effect of pollution is not only limited to respiratory disorders, but many people are also facing cardiovascular problems, weakening of the immune system, and an overall reduction in the lifespan.

The extent of Air Pollution in Indian Cities

Pollution has become a growing menace throughout the world due to which many people suffer from health-related problems. The changing climatic conditions are also a result of the ever-increasing levels of pollution. The worst-case scenario is seen in big, metro cities, including Delhi and Mumbai.

According to surveys and statistics, close to 3.3 million people are being killed each year around the globe due to air pollution. Out of the 100 most polluted cities in the world, 33 cities are from India itself.

  • Delhi: The level of Delhi’s air pollution is 10 times higher than the PM 2.5 safety level prescribed as the base level by the WHO. It is also stated that the air quality of Delhi is the most toxic in the world. Road dust causes about 50% of pollution, followed by industries, causing 23% and vehicles causing about 7%.
  • Mumbai: Mumbai is ranked as the 5th most polluted city in the world, according to reports by the WHO, World Health Organization. Mumbai recorded five times the safety level of WHO, making it pollution hit the city.
  • Tier 2 & 3 cities: Tier 2 cities in India are also not left far behind. Some of the tier 2 cities of India ranks high in becoming the world’s most polluted cities. Some of these include Patna, Gwalior, Raipur, Kanpur, Ludhiana, Ahmedabad, and many more.

The presence of large industrial areas causes the release of toxic gas in the environment and the increase in the number of private vehicles every day are making the situations worse in metro cities as well as smaller cities for its citizens.

How is air pollution impacting us?

There is a need to understand the growing concern of pollution across the nation to prevent respiratory disorders and the occurrence of other health-related disorders in people. Many people in different parts of the country are today facing severe problems due to the deteriorating quality of air present to breathe.

Health Effect of Pollution

Harmful air pollutants in the atmosphere have an adverse effect on the health of human beings which further causes asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Below mentioned are some of the problems most commonly seen in people exposed to harmful air conditions:

  • Common problems such as pain in the chest, nausea, wheezing & headache
  • Chest tightness
  • Prolonged respiratory illness
  • Aggravated cardiovascular disease
  • Decreased lung function
  • Respiratory disorders such as bronchitis, asthma, and emphysema

Overexposure or prolonged exposure to air pollution can cause the following:

  • Heart attacks
  • Arrhythmias in people suffering from heart disease, a condition wherein the heartbeat in an abnormal or an irregular manner.
  • Cancer
  • Damage to the body’s immune system as well as the reproductive system
  • Reduced life span

How pollution reduces the life span as well as the quality of life?

Talking from a broader perspective, air pollution adds to global warming, which in turn increases the temperature globally and affects human beings all over the world.

Talking from a local perspective, let us understand how pollution reduces the quality of our life and the average human life span.

Air pollution comprises gases and solid particles. Most of the pollutants present in the air are carcinogenic, (substances that can cause cancer). Now, when we are outdoors and inhaling the air, we are more likely to breathe in the toxic materials, in turn making ourselves at higher risk for diseases like bronchitis and asthma.

Due to prolonged exposure to harmful gases, the immune system of the body is also affected, which reduces the body’s natural defense system to act against diseases.

The lowering of the immune system functioning makes the body more prone to other diseases such as cardiovascular and cancer. Since the body’s natural defense system is not able to function properly, the life span of the human being starts lessening.

Polluted Cities

How pollution affects different organs?

Consistent exposure to air containing harmful substances will affect the organs of the human body.

LungsRespiratory System

One of the most affected systems of the body is the respiratory system. Our body is made to function in a manner wherein we breathe in oxygen and release out carbon dioxide.

However, when we are breathing in an environment where particles of size lesser than 2.5 micrometers are inhaled inside the lungs, causing damage to one of the most important organs of the body. Thereafter, these particles are transported to the entire body through blood.

Brain: Nervous System

The harmful pollutants when entering the nervous system made up of the brain, nerves and the spinal cord have shown systems causing Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

Heart: Circulatory System

Pumping of the human heart is responsible for the transport of nutrients to the entire body through the blood vessels. Talking about one of the common pollutants, Benzene is released from auto exhausts. This toxin, Benzene, is linked with the cause of cancer.

Other pollutants present in bad quality air include sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and lead which cause arterial constriction and abnormal heart rhythms.

Reproductive Organ

If a higher level of pollutants is inhaled during the pregnancy period by the expecting mother such as ozone and carbon monoxide, it may result in a low birth rate or congenital heart disease in the fetus.

Regular exposure to harmful substances present in the air (that of bad quality air) affects the different organs of the human body, thereby reducing the overall life span of human life.

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