50% OFF on PT INR Test Cost – Starting From ₹128 Only

Lowest PT INR test cost in India!

The Prothrombin test, also called Prothrombin Time Test measures the time taken for the blood to clot. The INR refers to International Normalized Ratio which is a calculation based on the PT test results. So it is collectively called a PT INR test.

Book this really important test at your local top-quality labs through us at up to 50% discount. The lowest PT INR test cost is ₹128 only.

PT INR Test Through LabsAdvisor

  • 1500+ PT INR tests conducted yearly
  • ₹60 lakh+ saved for our customers
  • 40+ lab options for PT INR test in India
  • High-quality test assured – 1000s of positive reviews 

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  • Click on the link given in the below table according to your preferred city.
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PT INR Test Near You and Lab Details

We offer the PT INR test in over 20 Indian cities. Click on the link of your city below to choose a lab and make an online booking for home collection at a suitable time. 

 PT INR Test Labs & Book Appointment Price Starting From
PT INR Test Cost in Delhi ₹210
PT INR Test Price in Gurgaon ₹180
PT INR Test Price in Noida
PT INR Test Price in Mumbai ₹283
PT INR Test Price in Chennai ₹150
PT INR Test Cost in Hyderabad ₹212
PT INR Test Price in Bangalore ₹300
PT INR Test Price in Other Indian cities ₹128
Find best labs with the lowest PT INR Test cost and book your test at home with preferred time slots online.

Frequently Asked Questions About PT INR Test

What is the PT INR Test?

The Prothrombin test, also called Prothrombin Time Test measures the time taken for the blood to clot. The INR refers to International Normalized Ratio which is a calculation based on the PT test results. So it is collectively called a PT INR test.

The test measures the time taken for the blood to clot after some reagents are added to it. The PT INR test is very helpful to diagnose unexplained bleeding and inappropriate blood clots.

Why is an inappropriate blood clot dangerous?

The blood clot is a gel-like or semi-solid state of blood formed by the platelets and fibrin to stop bleeding. It is an important process as it prevents from losing more blood due to injuries.

The blood clots also form inside the veins which don’t dissolve normally. The blood clot can happen in any part of the body which may cause heart attack, abdominal pain, swelling, stroke, chest pain, etc. It will become life-threatening if proper attention is not given to it.

Why is it done?

The PT INR test is normally done at regular intervals to monitor the effect of warfarin- anticoagulant drugs. The test is also done when the following symptoms are seen in the patient

  1. Blood in urine
  2. Bleeding gums
  3. Swelling or pain in joints
  4. Bleeding in nose
  5. Chronic medical condition eg: liver disease

The PT INR test is also done prior to surgery where there is a risk of increased blood loss.

Uses of PT INR Test.

How to prepare for the test?

The test does not require any special preparation. But you might have to avoid certain foods prior to the test which will be informed by your doctor. If you are on warfarin drug, you should take the test before taking your dose.

How is it done?

The Prothrombin Time (PT) test is done on the blood sample. The procedure is similar to any other blood test. A nurse will put a tight elastic band around your arm to make the veins visible.

A disinfectant liquid is used to sanitize the area from where the blood is drawn. The needle will be injected into the vein to draw the blood sample. Then you will be asked to put pressure on the area from where blood is drawn to stop bleeding.

What does the result interpret?

The test result shows the amount of time taken for the blood to clot. The Prothrombin Time test looks for the five factors (factor I, II, V, VII, and X) that should be present for the blood to clot. If the time taken is longer than the normal then proper attention should be given to it.

The abnormality in the prothrombin time may be a sign of the following conditions

  1. Liver disease or injury
  2. Lack of Vitamin K
  3. Absence or low blood-clotting factors
  4. Bleeding disorder

The PT INR test is just a screening test to detect abnormal prothrombin time. It cannot be used for diagnostic purposes. Your doctor may ask you to take other tests such as PTT test, platelet count, thrombin time test, liver function test, etc if the prothrombin time is abnormal.

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