50% OFF on Stress ECHO Test Cost – Starting @₹3200 Only

Lowest Stress Echo Test Cost in India!

Stress Echocardiogram test is done to assess the functioning of the heart under stress. The stress is virtually triggered by exercising on a treadmill or by injecting Dobutamine. Dobutamine is a drug that is injected into the vein of the patient that causes the heart to beat faster. This test is basically done to evaluate how well your heart works or tolerate activities.

Book this really important test at your local top quality labs through us at up to 50% discount. The lowest Stress Echo test cost in India is ₹3200 only.

Stress Echo Test in India Through LabsAdvisor

  • 1500+ Stress Echo tests conducted yearly
  • ₹60 lakh+ saved for our customers
  • 40+ lab options for Stress Echo test in India
  • High-quality test assured – 1000s of positive reviews 

Book the Stress Echo test / Dobutamine Stress Echo test online yourself at any time of the day or night by clicking on the appropriate link in the table below.

Stress ECHO Test / Dobutamine Stress Echo Test Cost & Lab Details

We offer Stress Echo / Dobutamine Stress Echo in over 20 Indian cities. Click on the link of your city below to choose a lab and make an online booking for home collection at a suitable time. 

Click to view labs & book appointment Price starting from
Stress Echo Test Price in Delhi ₹3200
Stress Echo Test Price in Gurgaon ₹3200
Stress Echo Test Price in Noida ₹3200
Stress Echo Test Price in Bangalore ₹3238
Stress Echo Test Price in Other Cities of India ₹3200
Click to view labs & book appointment Price starting from
Dobutamine Stress Echo Test Price in Delhi ₹4250
Dobutamine Stress Echo Test Price in Gurgaon ₹4250
Dobutamine Stress Echo Test Price in Faridabad ₹4250
Dobutamine Stress Echo Test Price in Other Cities of India ₹4250
The discounts on the Dobutamine Stress Echo / Stress Echo test price in India are available only to those who made the booking through LabsAdvisor.com. You will be asked to pay the actual price if you do not carry the booking confirmation message sent by the LabsAdvisor.com
Benefits of Booking Stress Echo test cost in India through Labsadvsior

Frequently Asked Questions About Stress ECHO Test

What is a Stress Echo Test?

Stress Echocardiogram test is done to assess the functioning of the heart under stress. The stress is virtually triggered by exercising on a treadmill or by injecting Dobutamine. Dobutamine is a drug that is injected into the vein of the patient that causes the heart to beat faster. This test is basically done to evaluate how well your heart works or tolerate activities.

If the test is done without the use of any drug and the heart is made to beat faster by exercise, then the test is called a normal stress echo. If dobutamine drug is used to make the heart run faster, then the test is known as dobutamine stress echo.

In a normal echo, the functioning of the heart is measured by ultrasound without any exercise or use of dobutamine drugs. If you would like to know more about the Echo test in general, please check our guide to Echo Test in India, here.

What is the procedure of the Stress Echo Test?

The procedure normally takes approximately 45 to 60 minutes to complete. The test is done in three phases. During the Stress Echo test, your radiologist will place a few electrodes on your chest to track the sound waves that bounce off your heart. In phase one of the test, your heart parameters will be measured with you lying down.

In the second phase, you will be asked to walk on a treadmill machine or peddle a stationary cycle. Depending on your physical condition, they will increase the intensity of your exercise. You will have to continue the exercise for 6 to 10 minutes, or until you feel tired.

The attached computer displays the echoes or sound waves when the heart rate increases while imaging functioning of the heart walls and valves. As soon as your doctor tells you to stop exercising, they will ask you to calm your pulse rate.

In the third phase, you can walk around slowly so that your heart rate can return to normal. Your doctor will monitor your ECG, heart rate, and blood pressure until the rates return to normal.

What is the procedure of Dobutamine Stress Echo Test?

Dobutamine Stress Echo is generally recommended if the patient is unable to exercise. Dobutamine drug impacts the functioning of the heart and simulates the effect of exercise on the heart. During the test, you will be given a dosage of dobutamine slowly and the impact on heart measured for different doses. The measurement is done by a normal ultrasound machine.

Please note that the procedure of stress echo test and dobutamine stress echo test may vary slightly with each lab.

What are the preparations required for Stress Echo Test?

Make sure you do not eat or drink anything for three to four hours prior to the test. Avoid consumption of nicotine or caffeine before your test. Inform your doctor if you are taking any pattern of medications regularly. If you are diabetic and take insulin, then consult with your doctor before the test.

Wear a two-piece of loose and comfortable cloth preferably a lower and a kurta or shirt separately as your doctor may ask you to expose your chest area. Do not carry any valuable or ornament during the test. Do not apply any cosmetics or ointments on your chest prior to your test.

For a dobutamine stress echo test, it is best to speak with the lab before you go there. The preparation required and fasting needed will be mentioned in the lab.

What are the risks of a Dobutamine Stress Echocardiogram?

Stress Echo involves exercise and the risks are similar to risks of overexerting yourself. In general, the measuring doctor ensures that you are comfortable with the pace of exercise. Always ensure that you highlight any difficulty to the measuring doctor in time.

The risks of a Dobutamine Stress Echo are different. The test may cause chest pain, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, dizziness, nausea, or fatigue for some patients.

Who is recommended for a Stress Echo Test?

Stress Echo is ordered to detect any suspected blockage in the valves of the heart, various heart diseases, cardiac status prior to surgery or to assess the functioning of the heart.

What are the possible interpretations of the Stress Echo Test?

The echocardiography stress test is quite reliable. Your doctor is in the right position to interpret your reports. The normal results show that your heart is working properly and your blood vessels are not blocked due to coronary artery disease.

Abnormal test results mean that your heart isn’t pumping blood effectively due to a blockage in your arteries. A heart attack can damage your heart severely. Early detection of Coronary artery diseases can help prevent future complications. This test is very helpful in determining your current cardiac status.

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